A night out to Race
Our traditional start to the weekend did not go well. The first session confirmed that the car was not working properly when breaking. Upon further investigation we found an air bubble in the ABS (Automatic Breaking System), which compromised the proper working/efficiency of the breaks. It was repaired and all was good.
No major setup changes were brought to the car. We qualified towards the end of the grid.
Paul Ricard was our first “night race”. Although it started at 6pm it was to end at 12am! I started the race. On the first lap, fifth corner, I was t-boned and spun. Luckily the car had nothing. I restarted the car and went off to race. My first stint was exhausting under the Southern French sun. I took a cold shower to prepare for the second “night” stint at 10pm. It went very well. Jens K. finished the race. We came 31th overall and 7th in class. It was a great finish before we leave to Spa in 3 weeks for the official test days.
Wishing you all a good start to the summer.